April Masini is the relationship advice expert that provides answers to questions readers cannot find anywhere else.
America’s foremost online dating and relationship advice and etiquette expert, as well as the best-selling author of four relationship advice books and a preferred go-to source on a wide range of issues for the world’s most prominent news outlets, among them: The New York Times, Bravo!, Univision, US News & World Report, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, Forbes, USA Today. April has co-hosted a Discovery Channel episode of “Everything You Need to Know” about sex and has been a featured guest on FOX Morning News and on FOX-TV’S O’Reilly Factor.
In addition to becoming the primary source for US News & World Report’s holiday season piece, “Tipping Bible: Your Ultimate Tipping Guide”, April has been quoted in The Los Angeles Times on tipping correctly when traveling internationally, and in The Wall Street Journal on exactly how much to tip. April was the featured guest on the Wall Street Journal Marketwatch.com podcast: ‘Do Men Still Pay On The First Date Date?’. But her advice isn’t just about the etiquette of money. April’s been quoted in Recruiter.com on career etiquette and in Forbes, HuffingtonPost.com and Trulia.com on the etiquette of real estate relationships. She’s been quoted in The Philadelphia Inquirer, Brides and Forbes on the etiquette of marital name changes and prenup agreements.
In 2007, Procter & Gamble’s Old Spice hired April as the Dating and Relationship Editor for its “Voice of Experience” campaign. In 2016 TD Bank invited April to analyze their TD Bank Love and Money Survey and report on those findings in various media interviews.